Zippcoin Like Stellar - Claim Free 650 ZIP ( 991 ZIP = $10)

How to get free 650 ZIPPCOIN ?

- Go here:

How much can a single account get by signing up?

- 650 zippcoins and by breaking down the 650:

>>>>500 for fb/twitter log-in (note that u can only use a social media to connect once, it means that if you already used fb, u cant use twitter anymore to get another 500)

>>>>125 for signing up under a referral link

>>>>25 weekly allowance
for a total of 650 zippcoins

How much can I get for referrals?

- 500 zippcoins if they signed up and connect their fb or twitter


Where can I exchange zippcoins to btc/other crypto?

-There are no available exchanging site for zippcoins at the moment.

Then how the f some people here already made a price on how much each zippcoins woth?

-This picture is posted in the wallet itself

:notsure: but more likely we can expect to have an exchange site available for this site by tomorrow.

And so far here's some problems I saw in the wallet:

- Looks like a stellar ripoff
- The wallet loads fucking slow
- The font design of the dashboard sucks especially the email and name part
- It took me few times before I successfully connected my facebook account in the wallet, I dunno but seems like it was the wallets problem.
- I heard that some people are having problems about the confirmation in their email not being sent :>

Anyway I got this news from yahoo about this coin.